HTML E-mail

It is the name given to e-mails created with HTML code, where design and visual quality are at the forefront. HTML e-mails have a visual and reading quality that looks great on all e-mail and web-based clients such as Gmail, Hotmail, Android and Iphone. With HTML...

E-mail Marketing

It is the use of e-mails to acquire prospective and current customers or to perform any other type of conversion. Newsletters, events, marketing offers and announcements are different types of e-mail marketing. E-mail marketing is a type of marketing in which...

Clicks Per Open

It is the rate that shows how much of the e-mails that businesses send to their recipients and reach the recipients are opened. For example, out of 100 e-mails you send, 95 of them are delivered to your target audience, but they may not be clicked and opened by the...